Natural Spa Enzyme
SPAGUARD NATURAL SPA ENZYME is a natural enzyme formulation designed for use in spas and hot tubs. SpaGuard Natural Spa Enzyme controls odors and scum line build-up caused by oils, lotions, greases and other organic contaminants. Using SpaGuard Natural Spa Enzyme will keep your spa cleaner longer. Spa water is clearer and the overall spa experience is enhanced. SpaGuard Natural Spa Enzyme is compatible with bromine and chlorine spa care sanitizers and oxidizers (shocks). SpaGuard Natural Spa Enzyme contains biodegradable ingredients.
Measurement and dosing:
Use all level measurements, 2 tablespoons per 100 gallons or 1 fl oz per 100 gallons.
Directions for use:
- Add container cap as a convenient measure.
- Add 2 Tablespoons or 4 capfuls of SpaGuard Natural Spa Enzyme per 100 gallons of water. Pour directly into the water with the spa circulation system operating.
- Add the recommneded dosage weekly in residential spas.
- In heavily used spas increase frequency to twice or three times per week.
- Do not increase dosage.
Spa maintenance tips:
- Test spa water a minimum of once per week
- Maintain pH between 7.2 and 7.6
- Keep total alkalinity at 100-150 ppm, and calcium hardness between 100-200 ppm
- Drain, clean, and refill residential spas and hot tubs every 90 days, or according to manufacturer's recommendations
- use BioGuard Off the Wall surface cleaner to clean spa surfaces
- Rinse filters and use SpaGuard Filter Cleaner once every 30 days
This product may contain sediment, shake well before use. Some spas may experience slight foaming. Foaming can be controlled by using SpaGuard Anti Foam
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Visit our locations
3313 Chili Ave. Rochester, NY 14624
Call: 585-889-9624
899 Ridge Rd. Webster, NY 14580
Call: 585-671-4180
Chili Business Hours
Monday------------------------- 10am - 6pm
Tuesday ------------------------- 10am - 6pm
Wednesday --------------------- 10am - 6pm
Thursday ------------------------10am - 6pm
Friday --------------------------- 10am - 6pm
Saturday ------------------------ 10am - 5pm
Sunday -------------------------- 11am - 3pm
Webster Business Hours
Monday------------------------- 10am - 6pm
Tuesday ---------------------------- Closed
Wednesday ------------------------ Closed
Thursday ------------------------10am - 6pm
Friday --------------------------- 10am - 6pm
Saturday ------------------------ 10am - 5pm
Sunday -------------------------- 11am - 3pm